Protect your staff and
your facility from
violent disturbances

TG Guard Security Protection System is designed
to move disruptive inmates out of an affected
area without sending in correctional officers who
could be harmed or taken hostage.

The TG Guard Security Protection
System is capable of selective and
rapid deployment of a powerful tear
gas deterrent agent from single or
multi-fixture dispensers. The fixtures
are tamper-resistant and inaccessible
to the general population.

The TG Guard Security Protection
System is typically installed in high
traffic or commonareas where the
maintenance of security is most
challenging. Such areas include
dining halls, gymnasiums, housing
units, work areas or other similar
areas of risk.

The best way to stop a riot is to never let it begin. The TG Guard Security Protection System allows deployment of a powerful tear gas deterrent agent from a secure remote console. Contain, control, isolate—these three actions prevent a disturbance from escalating from a minor incident to a riot.